A friend posted the following on FaceBook. They are young and really didn't think to educate themselves before reposting this shit. But after all, they don't know much about subject anyways.
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My first comment:To each their own but maybe consider that many of those that "DIED for this country" WERE in fact, members of the LGBTQ+ community and were either drafted or chose to defend their country KNOWING that should the choices they have made in their life as to who to love, could most certainly cause them to be MURDERED by their fellow countrymen. They fought for their country anyways.Do a little more research on things like this first. Get the facts straight and maybe read things like https://www.hrc.org/our-work/stories/repeal-of-dont-ask-dont-tell. Its sad that there are those that STILL say things like this. Those LGBTQ+ service people DIED the same as the others. Their blood ran red as well. They on the other hand had to fight TWO enemies, the real enemy and the OTHER real enemy (their BIGOTED fellow service men).I believe women were also not allowed to serve in the armed forces at one time. I guess we should also NOT remember them that died in the line of duty? How about we change the poppy color to blue since red is generally associated with women? So sick that this kind of bigotry is still happening in 2024. 🤬 Their rebuttal:it’s been red for many years why change it? And why would you put rainbow if war had nothing to do with the lgbtq+? My next comment:The post says, "Please don't take over the one day a year where I get to remember my friends and all those that died for this country" First off, members of the LGBTQ+ community are NOT and have NEVER tried to "take over" Remembrance Day. That statement by that person is utterly a lie and only said in hopes of stirring up more anti-lgbtq hatred. Secondly, He then says he wants to remember his friends that died for this country. I hope none of his "friends" that served and died were "gay, bi, trans or whatever". His words make me think that he may not be so keen at remembering them. As for current friends that serve, if they are LGBTQ+, he may now lose those "friends" as well knowing he is basically showing he only supports them if they stay "in the closet" because he says "... i don't care." That is exactly what "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was all about. You could serve and die for your country as an LGBTQ+ person. BUT... If you ever let it be known to the Armed Forces or your fellow servicemen, and you were beat, brutalized, abused, raped, MURDERED by those same people who you thought were your friends and fellow servicemen, the Armed Forces stance was, "You should have kept your mouth shut but you didn't so you got what you deserved!" Please redacted, please explain to me why you think that kind of thinking and INSANITY is ok? I remember a time when it was ok for non-caucasians to have the same kind of brutality done to them. Was that ok too? Lastly, the end of his sentence says "...and all those that died for this country." The Armed Forces have historically done everything in their power to supress those of the LGBTQ+ community from serving their country. Not until very recently, when Barak Obama, repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" AND hundreds of famous brave LGBTQ+ people stood up for LGBTQ+ rights, has there been any real progress of equality. Until that happened, the "closet" is where those individuals were made to stay, hidden, and locked away. So what is so wrong with giving them a bit of light and letting it be shown that they are also remembered for the sacrifices they gave including "dying for their country" and fighting for your rights and freedoms? What about their rights and freedoms that they STILL, to this day in 2024, have to fight for? |
What has become of friendship and love? Where did it all go?
Oh ya, that's right! Trump made it illegal and unlawful.
Social 411's